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1、是否經常吃油炸食品(Fried food)、高熱量食物(high-calorie food)、醃製食品(pickled food)?


2、是否經常抽菸、喝酒、熬夜(stay up late)、作息時間不規律(irregular)?

3、是否經常便祕(Constipation),大便臭味、衝不淨,臉上長斑、長痘(acne breakouts)、面板灰暗?

4、是否有腦供血不足(insufficient blood supply),表現為頭痛(headache)、頭暈(dizziness)、失眠多夢、記憶力下降、反應遲鈍(Slow response)、注意力不集中,肢體麻、脹、痛,步態不穩等?

5、是否有心慌(palpitation)、胸悶、胸口痛,有時是左上肢及背部痛,進一步會出現上樓或勞動出氣困難,嚴重時可能會有絞痛感(Sense of colic)等。


7、免疫力(immunity)差,渾身乏力(fatigue)、易疲倦,經常性感冒、口腔潰瘍(canker sore)等。


9、 “將軍肚”早現。25~50歲的人,大腹便便,是成熟的標誌,也是高血脂(hyperlipidemia)、脂肪肝(fatty liver)、高血壓(hypertension)、冠心病(coronary heart disease)的伴侶。


我們可以對照以上“訊號”自我檢查,具有上述兩項或兩項以下者,則為“黃燈”警告期,目前尚無需擔心,具有上述3~5項者,則為一次“紅燈”預報期,說明已經具備“過勞死(karoshi)”的徵兆;6項以上者,為二次“紅燈”危險期,可定為“疲勞綜合徵(fatigue syndrome)”———“過勞死”的“預備軍”。另有三種人易“過勞死”:一是有錢(有勢)的人,特別是只知道消費不知道保養的人;二是有事業心的人,特別是稱得上“工作狂(workaholic)”的人;三是有遺傳早亡血統又自以為身體健康的人。


A surprisingly high number of city dwellers(城鎮居民) in China suffer from poor health and many die prematurely.

Poor health with no diagnosis(診斷)of any identified disease, a condition known in China as "sub health", is on the rise. Sub health is marked by general weakness, low energy levels and a poor immune system.

A survey held in 16 cities with over 1 million population showed high proportions of urban Chinese have been suffering sub health problems.

The numbers are particularly high in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with 75.31, 73. 49, and 73.41 per cent of residents in poor health, the survey showed.

The problem is most prevalent among senior and middle-level managers, clerks and other white-collar workers with high education levels, said the website of the Red Cross Society of China.

"The sub health condition, found in most cases among groups of people with high educational level and spearheading the efforts for national rejuvenation, will exert direct negative effects on China's long-term development and sustained progress if not handled timely and properly," the website warned.

An authoritative(權威的)survey by the Chinese Academy of Sciences indicates that the average life of Chinese intellectuals is 58 years, 10 years lower than the nation's average.

This early death phenomenon may be accelerating.

Among Chinese intellectuals in the 25-59 age group, the death rate for women is as high as 10.4 per cent. For men it is even higher: 16.5 per cent.

A report released after the China Sub Health Academic Seminar said the country's health is going through a transitional period(過渡時期)and many chronic diseases(慢性病)have taken the place of infectious diseases as the main cause of death.

"Bad working habits, poor disease prevention knowledge, inadequate governmental investment and lack of health education are the main reasons," said Yang Xiaoduo, a health care expert with a local health association, who said China should race against time seeking measures to solve the sub health problem.

"If the sub health problem is not effectively controlled through improved health education, both the State and society are surely to suffer another heavy burden in the near future," Yang was quoted as saying by the China Economic Times.

But according to experts, Chinese medicine can play an active role in fighting sub health.

"Traditional Chinese medicine... can well surpass that of healthcare foods and will have no negative effect on the human body if it's carried out appropriately," said Huang Jianjun, a professor from the Beijing Chinese Medicine College.

"For example, foot massage is one of the best practices that could effectively improve blood circulation, ease tiredness and reduce the burden on the heart," he said.

What is sub-health?

Sub-health, also called the third state, is a grey period between healthy conditions and disease or unhealthy conditions.

The main syndromes(綜合症狀) for sub-health condition is manifested by bodily fatigue(身體疲勞), difficulty in recovering after rest, body-ache, dizziness(頭暈眼花) with headache, sleep disorders(睡眠失常), lack of appetite, insomnia(失眠), lots of dreaming, palpitation(心悸), depression(抑鬱), anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, and unsociable(不愛交際) and eccentric behavior. Some serious patients suffer from low self-esteem with no desire for progress, loss of memory and concentration, and low efficiency in work and study.

According to an investigation by the World Health Organization (WHO), 70% of the world population is in Sub-health condition, where over 45 percent of sub healthy people are middle-aged or elderly.

The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam-time.


Having been selected as a parents'representative at his son's primary school in Shanghai, Wang Huan was invited to make a speech at the opening ceremony for the new semester. As the owner of four companies, Wang, 40, is used to public speaking and handled his duties well. His performance won warm applause from the audience, including his 39-year-old wife and young son.

When he went back to his seat, 9-year-old Wang Xiaotian gave his father a close hug and a big kiss. "I am the happiest child in the world,"said the little boy as he piled his parents'hands on top of his own.

Wang and his wife smiled at each other in a touching family scene that was observed with envy by many other parents.

In Xiaotian's eyes, his parents are a wonderful couple. Even after 10 years of marriage, they are always polite to each other and never quarrel, fight, or even raise their voices. However, the little boy has only observed a small part of his parents'relationship and is unaware of the stresses and strains on the relationship caused by an episode that almost led to divorce.

Wang's wife quit her job after giving birth, meaning that her husband had to provide for all the family's financial needs. He has given his family the best life he can afford, but his busy work schedule and the expansion of his businesses have inevitably led to him spending less and less time with the family, leading to an estrangement.

"I even found it hard to find topics that interested us both,"said Wang Huan's wife. She applied to study abroad, hoping to rescue the situation by updating her knowledge and expanding her world view.

However, to her surprise, when she returned home full of hope 12 months later, she found a divorce application waiting for her.

Wang confessed that he had fallen in love with another woman, but his wife flatly refused to accept the divorce petition, despite the offer of a large sum of money as compensation.

Fearing that going to court would affect his son and his business, Wang turned to Shu Xin, a director of the online marriage guidance program Weiqing120 and head of the China Marriage and Family Counseling Center.

"Wang's case is very common nowadays,"said Shu. "According to our research, more than 60 percent of marriages in China are in seriously 'poor health', a state of affairs indicated by the couples having nothing to say to each other, a lack of passion, extramarital affairs and frequent quarrels about trivial matters. Although people can maintain a troubled relationship, the trials and conflicts can accumulate to a toxic level and easily lead to the marriage collapsing."

Shu had long talks with the two women. He discovered that Wang's wife was a pleasant, elegant and knowledgeable woman, who still loved her husband. She was also deeply concerned about the possible impact on the boy if the divorce went through.

On the other hand, Wang's lover, in her early 30s, had no idea how to handle a small child or live with an extended family.

"I told Wang my thoughts on the two women. My words seemed to remind him of something and he murmured that he would think things over,"said Shu. "To further help him make a decision, I asked the women to each write a letter containing the words they most wanted to say to him. Unsurprisingly, Wang was moved to tears after he'd read the letter his wife had written. He told me that they had been forced to overcome great difficulties to get married and had experienced many happy days in the past."

The story has a happy ending;Wang's lover agreed to end the affair, but only after he bought her a property.

"Thanks to Shu's help I made the right decision. Now I get on well with my wife, just like when we were first married. My son really enjoys the time we spend together,"said Wang.

Shu said, "It's only when a marriage has descended to a level where there are no words to say and love and sex don't exist anymore, that I will pronounce a death sentence on it. After two decades of research, I realize that most divorces are avoidable, even if the marriage is deeply troubled."



在田田眼中他的父母就是天生一對, 因為雖然已經結婚十年了但是他們依然相敬如賓,從不爭吵甚至跟對方特別大聲的講話。但是田田不知道他可能只是注意到了爸爸媽媽關係中的一部分,並不知道其實他們也有過關係非常緊張的階段甚至差一點離婚。






“像王先生這種情況現在社會上很普遍。 據我們中心的統計資料顯示目前我國60%的`婚姻都處在嚴重的亞健康狀態。這些家庭的夫妻雙方“無話可說”或“缺乏熱情”,出現婚外情,但又沒有惡化到婚姻破裂的地步。其實這是一種潛在的婚姻危機,一旦處理不當便會導致家庭破。”舒心介紹說。






Unhealthy Habits of College Students

It can be noticed that there are some unhealthy living habits among young people, especially college students. Typical examples include staying up late, being addicted to games, consuming in an inappropriate way. Thus, due attention should be paid to students’ daily habits.

Apparently, these bad habits may generate negative impacts. To begin with, they may impair students’ physical health and psychological fitness. In addition, what worries many teachers is that they may also exert negative influences on students’ academic performance. To conclude, never can we turn a blind eye to these phenomena.

In view of the seriousness of this issue, it is time that we took effective measure. Firstly, it is suggested that universities or colleges should cultivate students’ awareness of healthy living. Secondly, students themselves are well-advised to learn to regulate and control their own life appropriately. Only by doing so, can we hope to see the ideal scenes in which students enjoy their colorful and healthy life in Ivory Tower.

白領遭遇飲食亞健康 49秒吃一個漢堡

It used to be the case that you got a whole hour for lunch. But Britons are now under so much pressure at home and at work that they spend just 39 minutes a day eating, a study has found. For many, the lunch hour has given way to a quick sandwich at the desk - which is forced down in an average of just 12 minutes and 49 seconds.


Breakfast is an even quicker affair, lasting only seven minutes and 20 seconds. Often, it's just a slice of toast as we dash out of the door. And dinner takes just 19 minutes - making a total of 39 minutes and nine seconds a day for meals. Half of us are so busy that we sometimes skip lunch altogether, with women more likely to do so than ng has become a purely functional routine for three-quarters of adults, who scoff food so quickly they cannot enjoy it or appreciate the taste.


And almost half, 45 per cent, are so distracted by other tasks while eating that they do not notice if they are full, merely eating until they are finished. But it seems the quick meals are forced on us by circumstances rather than choice, the study by President cheese found. Seventy-eight per cent said they wished they had more time to sit down and savour their meals.


And nine in ten said that on the rare occasions they did get to take their time over a family meal, they enjoyed it and felt better as a result. The television was also found to feature heavily in meal times, with 31 per cent admitting to watching it over breakfast and 53 per cent at dinner. Psychologist Dr Richard Woolfson, from President, said: ‘We now live in a very food-orientated society, where food documentaries, celebrity chefs and cook books have never been more prolific.

‘However, our study shows Britons are not taking the time to properly enjoy their meals.‘It is so important to take the time to taste and appreciate food, as this has an effect on our emotional and physical well-being and can affect our productivity.’


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